Saturday 28 August 2021

Tachinid Fly

Subject:  Found a Belvosia
Geographic location of the bug:  Burnham Maine, Waldo County
Date: 08/28/2021
Time: 01:48 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  Finally I was pruning one of my flowering bushes and my daughter and I came across this huge fly but it looks like a bee I’m like it looks like a crossbreed between a fly and a bee and she said yeah it does so I looked it up because I have Google lens on my phone and it said it was a Belvosia and then I found some articles stating that they’ve also been sighted in Clinton and Fairfield Maine which I lived in Clinton too so I wanted to submit a few pictures that I took to you
How you want your letter signed:  Bobbie Jean

Tachinid Fly

Dear Bobbie Jean,
Congratulations on successfully identifying your Tachinid Fly in the genus
Belvosia.  Thank you also for submitting your excellent images.  According to BugGuide they feed on Lepidoptera.  The female Tachinid lays her eggs on a caterpillar and the fly larvae parasitize the caterpillar.

Tachinid Fly

The post Tachinid Fly appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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