Tuesday 6 July 2021

Small Milkweed Bug Nymphs

Subject:  Elder of some sort??
Geographic location of the bug:  Vermont
Date: 07/02/2021
Time: 07:47 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  Hi Daniel – thank you so much for your comments on my orchard Spider from June…Need your help again.  Saw these two on milkweed and I think I interrupted a lovefest..My guess is some type of Elder??
I am happy to send you as many images as you would like…Im a professional commercial photographer, but I love wildlife, astro and MACRO photography as my hobby. I take LOTS of bug pics!  Thanks again for your help!  Have a great weekend!
How you want your letter signed:  Caroline Minneci

Small Milkweed Bug Nymph

Dear Caroline,
We are not certain what an elder is, other than a person of greater age.  These are definitely not elders.  They are immature Small Milkweed Bugs,
Lygaeus kalmii, which are pictured on BugGuide.  They were also most certainly not mating, though they are a communal species.

Small Milkweed Bug Nymph

The post Small Milkweed Bug Nymphs appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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