Tuesday 6 July 2021

Masked Hunter

Subject :  What in the world is this?
Geographic location of the bug:  Murray, Utah
Date: 07/05/2021
Time: 08:32 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  We were moving things in our mother’s unfinished basement preparing for her home to be sold and this frisky fella was hiding in a cardboard box. Scoots around pretty fast and reminded us of a crab with how it walked. It looks “dusty” and at first we thought it was some sort of spider, but only has six legs, not 8 and has antennas. Is this something to be worried about in her home? Are they poisonous, do they bite, what attracts them?? So far we only found one but he’s a really cool looking fella!
How you want your letter signed:  Stacy the nervous bug

Masked Hunter

Dear Stacy,
This is a Masked Hunter, an immature Assassin Bug in the species 
Reduvius personatus that has a sticky exoskeleton.  All manner of dust and debris sticks to the insect, effectively masking it in its surroundings in an interesting example of adaptive camouflage.  According to BugGuide:  “Nymphs cover themselves with dust, lint, sand, and other debris which usually matches the color of their immediate surroundings and makes the nymphs difficult to detect.”

The post Masked Hunter appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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