Wednesday 16 August 2023

How to Get Rid of Lawn Shrimp: Efficient Solutions for a Pest-Free Garden

Lawn shrimp, also known as Browne’s blechum, may be an unwelcome guest in your yard. These tiny creatures can become a nuisance, and it’s essential to address the issue before they cause significant damage to your lawn or garden.

Getting rid of lawn shrimp involves understanding their habits and implementing measures to prevent their proliferation. In this article, we will discuss various methods to help you maintain a healthy, shrimp-free lawn. As we explore different techniques, we will also consider their pros and cons, ensuring you make the best decision for your specific situation.

Understanding Lawn Shrimp

Lawn Shrimp Characteristics

  • Color: Pinkish-brown
  • Size: Small, less than 1 inch

Lawn shrimp, or terrestrial amphipods, are small crustaceans native to Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. Known for their pinkish-brown color, these amphipods resemble tiny shrimp. They are often found in moist areas, and after heavy rain, they can appear in large numbers in garages and under house doors.

Habitat and Distribution

  • Moist Areas: Ground cover, leaf mold, garages, under house doors
  • Countries: Australia, New Zealand, UK, California

These crustaceans typically live on the surface of mulch and moist ground, up to a depth of 13mm. They thrive in soft ground cover and leaf mold, particularly beneath shrubbery. Lawn shrimp are now widely distributed, including California, where they have been introduced.

Relation to Other Crustaceans

Amphipods Crayfish Shrimp
Slender, nearly transparent More robust Slender, slightly transparent
First 2 pairs of legs have pincers First 3 pairs of legs have pincers (1st pair large) First 2 pairs of legs have pincers
Tail flattened side to side Tail rounded Tail fan-like

Lawn shrimp belong to the Arcitalitrus sylvaticus species and are closely related to other crustaceans such as crayfish and regular shrimp. They share some characteristics with both, including their overall shape and the presence of pincers on their legs. However, unlike crayfish, their tail is flattened side to side, and they have a more slender and nearly transparent appearance.

Lawn Shrimp Behavior and Impact

Feeding Habits

Lawn shrimp, also known as terrestrial amphipods, feed on various organic materials. Some examples include:

  • Decomposing plant debris
  • Algae
  • Dead leaves
  • Fungi, such as mushrooms

They mainly thrive in moist environments and can often be found in areas with damp soil, such as gardens, wet lawns, and leaf litter.

Reproduction and Population Growth

Lawn shrimp reproduce quickly, which can lead to a significant growth in their population, especially in wet conditions. For example, conservancy fairy shrimp found in vernal pools can hatch and mature within 37 days. Their rapid reproduction can sometimes cause an infestation, becoming a nuisance to homeowners.

Lawn Shrimp vs Conservancy Fairy Shrimp Reproduction:

Attribute Lawn Shrimp Conservancy Fairy Shrimp
Maturity Time Rapid 37 Days
Ideal Conditions Wet, damp soil Vernal Pools

Role in Ecosystem

Despite being harmless to plants and humans, lawn shrimp are an essential part of the ecosystem. Some key roles include:

  • Decomposing organic matter, promoting healthy soil
  • Serving as a food source for various predators, such as birds and small mammals

However, in large numbers, they can become a nuisance for homeowners, often entering garages or homes when seeking moisture.

To summarize, lawn shrimp are small, harmless crustaceans that can become bothersome due to their feeding habits and rapid reproduction. As part of the ecosystem, they play crucial roles in breaking down organic materials and providing food for other organisms.

Managing Lawn Shrimp Infestation

Physical Removal Methods

Lawn shrimp, also known as amphipods, can be a nuisance in damp areas of your yard. To get rid of them, try these physical removal techniques:

  • Vacuuming: Use a vacuum to remove lawn shrimp from surfaces, such as patios or decks.
  • Sweeping: Sweep them away from your home’s entrance during dry spells.


  • No chemicals required
  • Immediate results


  • Time-consuming
  • May not eliminate the entire infestation

Using Chemical Solutions

In some cases, you might need to resort to chemical solutions. Two options include:

  • Insecticides: Apply a pesticide that targets lawn shrimp, ensuring it’s safe for pets and plants.
  • Diatomaceous earth: This natural substance can be sprinkled around damp areas to deter and kill amphipods.


  • Effective for larger infestations
  • Can provide long-lasting control


  • May pose risks to non-target organisms
  • Can be harmful if not used correctly

Preventive Measures

Preventing lawn shrimp infestations requires proper yard management. Focus on these key points:

  • Reduce dampness: Limit overwatering and improve drainage to keep topsoil fresh and dry.
  • Remove organic matter: Regularly mow your lawn and remove wet leaves, as these environments attract amphipods.
  • Mulch management: Ensure mulch is not overly damp and aim for a depth that does not exceed 1/2 inch.

By following these guidelines, homeowners can minimize the chances of dealing with a persistent lawn shrimp issue.

example table:

Method Pros Cons
Physical Removal No chemicals, immediate results Time-consuming, not always 100%
Chemical Solutions Effective, long-lasting control Harmful if misused, kills others
Preventive Measures Sustainable, safe for all Requires regular maintenance

Ensuring Lawn Health and Protection

Maintaining Proper Yard Management

Short and frequent watering can lead to shallow root systems in plants, which is not ideal for lawn shrimps. Instead, focus on deep watering, which promotes a healthy lawn and keeps the pests at bay. Maintaining your lawn well-mowed and clean can also discourage lawn shrimps from taking up residence. Examples of good yard management include:

  • Removing excess dead leaves, debris, and decaying plants
  • Retaining proper light penetration by trimming overgrown plants
  • Reducing excess moisture through proper drainage systems

Attracting Natural Predators

Introducing natural predators of lawn shrimps, such as birds and fish, to the area can help keep their numbers under control. Some examples of predator-friendly features for your lawn are:

  • Bird feeders or houses
  • Pond or water feature for fish
  • Avoiding use of harmful chemicals that can harm predators
Lawn Management Techniques Benefits for Lawn Shrimp Control
Deep Watering Discourages shallow root systems
Clean & Well-mowed Lawn Less attractive environment
Proper Drainage Reduces excess moisture

Remember that prevention is key. By taking care of your lawn, minimizing the use of chemicals, and maintaining balance with natural predators, you can create an environment where lawn shrimps are less likely to flourish, giving you a healthy and protected lawn overall.

The post How to Get Rid of Lawn Shrimp: Efficient Solutions for a Pest-Free Garden appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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