Tuesday 22 August 2023

Are Locust Borers Dangerous to Humans? Uncovering the Truth

Locust borers, scientifically known as Megacyllene robiniae, are a type of long-horned beetle that can wreak havoc on trees, particularly black locust trees.

While these insects can cause damage to plant life and may be a concern for arborists, it’s essential to determine if they pose a danger to humans as well.

Adult locust borers have distinctive yellow and black markings with a prominent “W” on their wing coverings.

This allows them to camouflage themselves on goldenrod plants while feeding on their pollen and nectar.

Although this damage due to feeding is minor, the main concern arises when they lay eggs in the bark of trees, especially black locust trees.

Their larvae infest and tunnel through tree trunks, compromising the tree structure and health.

In this article, let’s find out whether locust borers can be dangerous to humans.

Are Locust Borers Dangerous to Humans?

Locust borers are insects known for infesting black locust trees, specifically targeting weakened or damaged tree trunks.

Despite causing extensive damage to trees, these insects pose no direct threat to humans as they do not bite or sting people. To defend themselves, they might nibble the skin without breaking it, that doesn’t cause much pain.

An interesting fact about locust borers is that they mimic the appearance of stinging insects, sporting black and yellow stripes, which helps to deter predators.

Here’s a quick comparison table to illustrate the differences between locust borers and potentially dangerous insects:

Insect Type Bite/Sting Dangerous to Humans Appearance
Locust Borer No No Black and yellow stripes
Some Wasps Yes Can be, depending on allergic reactions Black and yellow stripes

Summarizing the characteristics of locust borers:

  • Long-horned beetle type
  • Larvae tunnel into black locust tree trunks
  • Adults feed on the pollen of goldenrod and other flowers
  • Mimic the appearance of stinging insects (black and yellow stripes)

While locust borers can cause significant damage to black locust trees, they are not harmful to humans as they do not bite or sting.

It is important not to confuse them with other black and yellow-striped insects, like wasps, which can be dangerous depending on the severity of the individual’s allergic reaction to a sting.

Identifying Locust Borers


  • Locust borer (Megacyllene robiniae): Long-horned beetle native to North America.
  • Distinctive feature: Yellow markings on black body.

Locust borers are easily recognizable by their black bodies adorned with vivid yellow markings.

These long-horned beetles are native to North America, specifically targeting black locust trees.

Table showing locust borer features

Feature Locust Borer Other Long-Horned Beetles
Markings Yellow on black body Various colors & patterns
Host Tree Primarily black locust Different tree species
Life Cycle One generation per year Varies depending on species

Identifying locust borers is a straightforward process.

Look for their distinctive yellow markings and black bodies, as well as their preference for black locust trees, among other long-horned beetles.

Life Cycle of locust borers

The life cycle of locust borers consists of one generation per year and goes through four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

  • Duration: One generation per year.
  • Growth stages: Egg, larva, pupa, adult.

This relatively short life span makes it easier for farmers and gardeners to manage infestations.

Life cycle of locust borers

Stage Description Example
Egg Laid in bark crevices End of summer
Larva Feed on tree cambium Autumn months
Pupa Develops in wood Early spring
Adult Active & reproducing Late summer

Damage Caused by Locust Borers

Locust borers are insects that can cause significant damage to certain trees and plants. They primarily attack black locust trees, but can also infest other host plants such as Osage orange, hickory, and honey locust.

Black Locust Trees

Black locust trees are particularly susceptible to locust borer infestations. These insects bore into the tree’s bark and tunnel through its branches, causing a weakened structure and potential branch breakage. Some examples of damages include:

  • Holes in the bark
  • Frass (sawdust-like debris) in bark crevices or around the base of the tree
  • Dead or dying branches

Locust borers are particularly harmful to weakened or stressed black locust trees, which may eventually die from these infestations.

Other Host Plants

Although black locust trees are their primary target, locust borers can also infest other host plants, such as:

  • Osage orange
  • Hickory
  • Honey locust
Host Plant Damage Severity Symptoms
Black locust High Holes in bark, frass, branch breakage
Osage orange Moderate Bark damage, tunneling
Hickory Moderate Bark damage, tunneling
Honey locust Moderate Bark damage, tunneling

While the level of damage may vary, these other host plants can still suffer from weakened structures and reduced health.

In conclusion, locust borers can cause considerable damage to black locust trees and other host plants. Managing their infestations is crucial to maintaining the health and stability of these plants.

Biology and Behavior of Locust Borers

Feeding and Development

Locust borers are a type of beetles that are native to eastern North America and primarily feed on the black locust tree. During their larvae stage, they attack the phloem and xylem layers, creating galleries within the tree. The adult beetles are not a danger to humans, as they primarily feed on tree sap.

Example of locust borer feeding and development:

  • Eggs: Laid in late summer on the bark of the host tree
  • Larvae: Hatch and bore into the tree, feeding on the inner layers

Pupation and Maturation

The larval stage of locust borers lasts for about a year, during which they feed on the tree’s inner structure. Once they are ready to pupate, the larvae move closer to the bark surface and create pupal chambers.

Features of locust borer pupation and maturation:

  • Pupal stage lasts for a few weeks
  • Adults emerge in late summer or early fall
  • Adults have a wasp-like appearance
  • Adult coloration: black with bright yellow bands

Comparison table of locust borer with painted hickory borer:

Feature Locust Borer Painted Hickory Borer
Host Tree Black locust tree Hickory trees
Season Late summer to early fall Spring
Coloration Black with bright yellow bands Black with cream and yellow markings
Gallery formation In phloem and sapwood In sapwood

Managing and Controlling Locust Borers

Chemical Controls

One method for managing locust borers is by applying chemical controls. Some common insecticides that may be used for this purpose are:

  • Carbaryl
  • Pyrethroid
  • Carbamate

Applying a carbamate or a pyrethroid insecticide to the bark on the trunk and large scaffold branches in late-July/early-August can help control locust borers. This is done prior to egg laying.

Non-Chemical Strategies

Non-chemical strategies can also be effective in managing locust borers. Some examples include:

  • Improving tree vigor through proper watering, fertilization, and pruning
  • Pruning infested wood/branches and chipping or burning them to prevent the spread of borers
  • Monitoring for early signs of infestation, such as holes in the bark and reddish frass

Pros and Cons:

Chemical Controls Non-Chemical Strategies
– Quick and effective for killing the borers
– Can potentially prevent future infestations
– Environmentally friendly
– Promotes overall tree health
– Reduces potential for other insect pests
– Can be harmful to beneficial insects
– Risk of pesticide resistance
– Chemical contamination concerns
– May be slower to show results
– Requires ongoing monitoring and maintenance

Combining both chemical controls and non-chemical strategies can improve the overall effectiveness of your locust borer management efforts.

Locusts and Hunger

Locust Swarms and Famine

Locusts are a type of short-horned grasshoppers known for their ability to form large swarms and travel long distances. These swarms can rapidly devour crops, leading to food shortages and even famine in some cases. For instance, locust swarms may feed on crops like corn, cotton, and peanuts, leaving little behind for farmers and their communities.

Impact on Communities

When a locust swarm descends upon a community’s crops, it can have far-reaching consequences. Many people depend on the food they grow on their own land for their livelihoods. When locusts eat everything, communities face challenges like:

  • Hunger: People may go hungry, as their main source of food is destroyed.
  • Increased food costs: With local crops wiped out, people are forced to buy more expensive food from other sources.

Unfortunately, the destruction of crops by locust swarms doesn’t just impact food availability. Other issues that can arise in affected communities include:

  • Loss of livestock: Livestock often rely on the same crops for their diet, and without food, they too can perish.
  • Weakened host plants: Locusts can devastate host plants, like pine or cotton, causing them to be more susceptible to other pests and diseases.

Comparison Table: Locust Swarms vs. Other Pests

Feature Locust Swarms Other Pests (e.g. hornets, mosquitoes)
Size Large, visible swarms Often smaller, less noticeable
Damage Devastate large areas of crops Localized damage, smaller scale
Impact Can cause famine, food shortages Annoyance, potential disease

In summary, locust swarms can have significant negative impacts on communities, leading to hunger, increased food costs, and even famine in extreme cases. While other pests like hornets, mosquitoes, and ticks can pose dangers like disease transmission or toxicity, the widespread devastation caused by locust swarms is uniquely destructive to human livelihoods and ecosystems.


In summary, locust borers are primarily a threat to black locust trees but not to humans. These insects are longhorned beetles which are known for their distinctive black and yellow stripes that mimic stinging insects, serving as a form of protection from predators. While their appearance may be intimidating, they pose no direct harm to humans.

Adult locust borers are attracted to goldenrod and other flowers to feed on pollen. They tend to be most active in late summer1. Larvae tunnel into the trunks of black locust trees, which can lead to the trees’ decline or death, especially if they’re in a weakened state2. Though they can be destructive to the plants they infest, they don’t pose any specific danger to people.

It’s essential to understand the nature of these insects and their impact on the environment. By doing so, we can better manage their population and protect the affected trees, ultimately maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

To recap, key points about locust borers include:

  • Primarily a threat to black locust trees, not humans
  • Mimic stinging insects with black and yellow stripes
  • Feed on pollen of goldenrod and other flowers
  • Most active in late summer
  • Larvae tunnel into black locust tree trunks


  1. Locust Borer | Missouri Department of Conservation ↩

  2. Locust Borer – Department of Entomology ↩

Reader Emails

Over the years, our website, whatsthatbug.com has received hundreds of letters and some interesting images asking us about these insects. Scroll down to have a look at some of them.

Letter 1 – Another Locust Borer


What is this beetle in Montreal, Canada
This bug looks beautiful, but is it dangerous?

Had you scrolled down our homepage, you would have found another photo of a Locust Borer, Megacyllene robiniae. The closely related Painted Hickory Borer, Megacyllene caryae, is very similar. It is not dangerous, but it probably does mimic Yellow Jackets for protection from birds.

Letter 2 – Bug of the Month: October 2007 – Locust Borer


Mystery Caterpillar and Bee-Like Insect
Hey Bugman,
I live in Rhode Island, and I’ve run across two odd insects recently. I was wondering if you could help me identify them.
The first was a bright-green and brownish-purple caterpillar with four little spikes on it. It was about an inch long. The second is a vaguely wasp-like insect (I’m not sure if this is Batesian or Mullerian mimicry, and I didn’t stick around to find out), and it was about an inch long as well. Thanks for your help,
Guillaume Riesen

Hi Guillaume,
Your caterpillar is a Saddleback Caterpillar and we have posted numerous images of this species. Your vaguely beelike insect is a Locust Borer, a Cerambycid Borer Beetle that is very common in the autumn and is often associated with goldenrod. Many beetles in this family are considered wasp mimics. We believe we are going to make it the Bug of the Month for October and will probably be using your photo on our homepage the entire month.

Letter 3 – Hickory Borer or Locust Borer


Subject: Maybe bee?
Location: Northeastern Ohio
March 20, 2016 1:31 pm
I live in Northeast Ohio and this was in my house this afternoon. Not sure what this is. Looks like a bee but does not look like it has a stinger
Signature: Kim

Hickory or Locust Borer
Hickory or Locust Borer

Dear Kim,
This is one of two species of Longhorned Borer Beetles in the genus
Megacyllene, either a Hickory Borer or a Locust Borer.  Do you have firewood in the house?  If yes, it may be difficult to determine which species you have found.  If you do not have firewood in the house, then this is most likely the Hickory Borer which appears in the spring.  The similar looking Locust Borer is generally present in the autumn.  Both species effectively mimic stinging insects for protection.

The post Are Locust Borers Dangerous to Humans? Uncovering the Truth appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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