Tuesday 15 August 2023

Are Jumping Spiders Poisonous? The Surprising Truth Revealed

Jumping spiders are fascinating creatures often seen in gardens and around homes. They are known for their impressive jumping abilities, leaping many times their own body length to capture prey. These small, agile spiders have a distinctive appearance, being compact in size and often dark-colored with white markings.

While many people wonder if jumping spiders are poisonous, the answer is yes, but with a caveat. Jumping spiders do possess venom, as it is essential for them to immobilize their prey. However, the venom of these spiders is not considered dangerous to humans. Jumping spider bites are rare, and when they do occur, they typically cause mild symptoms such as localized pain and swelling.

In the world of spiders, jumping spiders are considered harmless compared to other venomous species like the black widow or the brown recluse. The risk of a severe reaction from a jumping spider bite is extremely low, and these spiders are generally more of a curiosity than a threat to human health.

Are Jumping Spiders Poisonous?

Venom and Its Effects on Humans

Jumping spiders do have venom, but it’s not considered dangerous to humans. Their venom is used mainly to subdue their prey. The effects of jumping spider venom on humans are typically very mild and short-lived.

Comparison of Jumping Spider Venom with Other Spiders:

Spider Type Venom Potency Danger to Humans
Jumping Spider Mild Low
Black Widow Spider Potent High
Brown Recluse Potent High

Bite Symptoms and Treatment

If a jumping spider bites a person, the symptoms are usually limited to:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • A small welt

In most cases, treatment is straightforward and may include:

  • Washing the bite area with soap and water
  • Applying a cold compress
  • Taking over-the-counter pain relievers if necessary

However, if the symptoms worsen, such as:

  • Severe itching
  • Spreading rash
  • Difficulty breathing

It’s important to seek medical attention from a doctor. Though rare, some people might have an allergic reaction to the bite.

An Overview of Jumping Spiders

Physical Appearance

Jumping spiders, belonging to the family Salticidae, are small to medium-sized spiders known for their distinctive appearance. They have a dense covering of iridescent scales or hairs and eight eyes, providing them with sharp vision. Some common features of their appearance include:

  • Colors: black, white, and often bright colors
  • Size: females (8-19 mm), males (6-13 mm)
  • Eyes: eight eyes, four in front and two on each side
  • Body: two main body sections, the cephalothorax and the abdomen

For example, the Phidippus audax is black with distinct irregular orange to white spots on the abdomen and iridescent green chelicerae (mouthparts).

Habitat and Distribution

Jumping spiders can be found in various habitats, ranging from gardens and homes to man-made structures like buildings. They are widespread and commonly found in the United States. Here is a comparison of two jumping spider species and their distribution:

Species Distribution
Menemerus bivittatus Imported from the tropical Old World, occurs in Florida
Plexippus paykulli Pantropical, occurs in Florida

Behavior and Hunting Strategies

These spiders are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They do not build webs but instead actively hunt their prey using their exceptional vision and quick movements. Some of their behaviors and hunting strategies include:

  • Movement: Jumping spiders are known for their impressive jumps, which they use to catch prey or avoid threats.
  • Prey: They are carnivores, primarily feeding on insects and other small creatures.
  • Hunting: They use a stealthy approach, sneaking up on their prey before pouncing on them.
  • Habitat: Many jumping spiders prefer habitats near humans, as they find ample prey around homes and buildings.

For example, Menemerus bivittatus and Plexippus paykulli are often found around lights in buildings where they hunt for insects attracted to the light source.

Notable Jumping Spider Species

Phidippus Audax

Phidippus Audax, commonly known as the bold jumping spider, is a common and colorful species. With iridescent reds and blues, they can be found in the grasslands of North America. Females are generally larger than males, and these spiders are known for their excellent eyesight and color vision. Their diet mainly consists of small insects.

Salticus Scenicus

The Salticus Scenicus, also known as the zebra spider, is another notable species. Recognizable by their black-and-white striped pattern, they often use a distinctive gait for stalking prey. Their camouflaged appearance allows them to blend into their surroundings, giving them an advantage when hunting.

Hyllus Giganteus

The Hyllus Giganteus is one of the largest species of jumping spiders. They are predominantly found in Asia, primarily on Hainan Island. While these spiders are not as colorful as some other species, they compensate with their incredible size and hunting abilities.

Bagheera Kiplingi

Bagheera Kiplingi is a rather unique jumping spider species due to its diet. Instead of primarily consuming insects like other species, Bagheera Kiplingi feeds on multiple ant species. They are also known for their impressive mimicry skills, which they use to evade and trick their prey.

Portia Labiata

The Portia Labiata is a fascinating species due to its exceptional learning abilities. These spiders use different strategies to capture prey, such as mimicking other arthropods or modifying their hunting tactics. They are often found in forests throughout Asia and Africa, and play an important role in maintaining ecological balance.

Species Colorful? Diet Location Special Features
Phidippus Audax Yes Small insects North America Excellent vision, color vision
Salticus Scenicus No Small insects Worldwide Camouflage, unique gait
Hyllus Giganteus No Small insects Asia (Hainan Island) Large size
Bagheera Kiplingi No Ant species Central America Mimicry, unique diet
Portia Labiata No Arthropods Asia, Africa Learning, mimicry

Life Cycle and Reproduction

Courtship and Mating

Jumping spiders have a unique and elaborate courtship process. Males use different techniques to impress females, such as:

  • Vibrating their abdomens
  • Waving their legs
  • Performing dance-like movements

Females choose their mates based on these displays. If impressed, the female will allow the male to copulate. However, if the female is not interested, she might attack the male.

Egg Laying and Development

After successful mating, the female jumping spider lays her eggs. They create a silk-lined retreat where they deposit the eggs and guard them until they hatch. Key features include:

  • Eggs are encased in a silk sac
  • Females fiercely protect the sac
  • Hatching can take a few weeks

Here’s a quick comparison of the courtship and egg-laying stages:

Stage Courtship and Mating Egg Laying and Development
Techniques Vibrating abdomen, leg-waving, dance moves Female creates a silk-lined retreat
Outcomes Female chooses mate, copulation or rejection Eggs laid, guarded by the female until hatching

Overall, the life cycle and reproduction of jumping spiders are fascinating, with elaborate courtship rituals and devoted parental care during egg development.

Jumping Spiders and Humans

As Pets

Jumping spiders, belonging to the family Salticidae, are often considered as potential pets due to their friendly nature and colorful appearance. They are smaller in size and have excellent vision, making them interesting to observe. Some common aspects of keeping jumping spiders as pets include:

  • Housing: Provide a small terrarium with proper ventilation and web-appropriate surfaces.
  • Food: Feed them small insects, such as flies or crickets.
  • Water: Offer water via a mist spray to prevent drowning.

Potential Risks

While jumping spiders are generally harmless and not considered a significant threat to humans, there are still a few potential risks to be aware of:

  • Bites: Though rare, jumping spiders can still bite if they feel threatened. Bites can be painful but are usually not dangerous.
  • Escapes: Jumping spiders are known for their exceptional agility, and they can easily escape from their enclosures if not properly secured.
  • Allergies: Some individuals may be allergic to spider bites or shed skin, posing a potential health risk.
Comparison Jumping Spiders Other Common Pets
Size Smaller Varies
Bite Risk Low Varies
Space Requirements Small Terrarium Varies
Allergy Potential Possible Varies
Maintenance Low to Moderate Varies

In conclusion, jumping spiders can be a unique choice for those looking to keep an unconventional pet. However, it is essential to consider the potential risks and ensure proper care is taken to prevent any issues.

Adaptations for Success

Eyesight and Movement

Jumping spiders, belonging to the family Salticidae, are known for their impressive eyesight and movement abilities, which make them effective predators. Their four pairs of eyes provide them with excellent vision, allowing them to detect prey accurately. These spiders have short, muscular legs, which give them their remarkable jumping ability.

Comparing jumping spiders and other spiders:

Jumping spiders Other spiders
Eye count 4 pairs Varies
Movement Jumping Crawling
Legs Short, muscular Longer

Features of jumping spiders:

  • Four pairs of eyes
  • Excellent vision
  • Short, muscular legs
  • Remarkable jumping ability

Camouflage and Mimicry

Jumping spiders also have incredible camouflage and mimicry skills, which help them avoid predators and catch their prey. The spiders’ unique patterns and colors allow them to blend in with their surroundings, making them difficult to spot. Additionally, some species can even mimic other insects, further increasing their chances of survival.

An example of camouflage in jumping spiders is the Phidippus audax, which has a distinct orange to white spot on its abdomen, allowing it to blend in with plant life.

Adaptations of jumping spiders:

  • Camouflage patterns
  • Mimicry of other insects

Reader Emails

Over the years, our website, whatsthatbug.com has received hundreds of letters and some interesting images asking us about these insects. Scroll down to have a look at some of them.

Letter 1 – Canopy Jumping Spider


Subject: White hairy spider
Location: Springfield, PA 19064
May 26, 2012 7:09 pm
Hi – We found this spider in our backyard in Southeastern PA. It was hiding in our rock pile. It was @ 1.5-2” long. It’s mostly white, hairy with back spots. Do you know what it is and if it’s dangerous? Thank you!
Signature: MPL

Canopy Jumping Spider

Dear MPL,
We are very happy to post your image of a Canopy Jumping Spider,
Phidippus otiosus, which we quickly matched to a photo posted to BugGuide.  The size is listed as “Body length 8-12 mm (male), 12-18 mm (female)”  on BugGuide, so we think your size estimate is a bit of an exaggeration.  BugGuide lists the habitat as “Canopy of deciduous and mixed deciduous/pine forests.” so we are curious if you live near a wooded area.  Jumping Spiders do not pose a threat to humans, though we cannot discount that a large individual might bite if carelessly handled, but the bite will do little more than to cause local discomfort. 

Letter 2 – Common Hentz Jumper


Small bug on the beach
August 28, 2009
Sitting on the beach, we were assaulted by this tiny bug. This small creature was very aggressive and leaped at us when bothered. He was roughly 1/4″ long.
Westhampton, NY, on the beach, about 20 yards from the water

Common Hentz Jumper
Common Hentz Jumper

Hi Henry
We believe we identified your Jumping Spider correctly after just a few minutes on BugGuide.  It looks like a male Common Hentz Jumper, Hentzia palmarum.  According to BugGuide:  “Males dark brown with white along edges of body, legs and jaws. Central white mark only on back half of carapace. Front pair of legs much larger than others.  Females hairier, paler in color, often marked with forward pointing triangles along the center of her abdomen

The post Are Jumping Spiders Poisonous? The Surprising Truth Revealed appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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