Friday 11 November 2022

Mydas Fly Symbolism: 7 Meanings of Seeing a Fly

Mydas flies are the king of flies. These flies have a unique place in culture and history. Below we share a bit about Mydas fly symbolism and the meaning of seeing one near you.

Every spiritual person knows that we have spirit animals surrounding us all the time.

Mydas fly also symbolizes a spirit animal with several positive and negative attributes. If you wish to learn about Mydas fly symbolism and more, continue reading this article. 

Mydas Fly Symbolism
Mydas Fly

A Bit About The Mydas Fly 

Mydas flies are large insects (similar to robber flies)that belong to the Mydas clavatus club and tend to be black or dark tan with yellow, red, or orange markings with a single pair of wings. These fascinating creatures are ¼ to 1¼ inches long and are comparatively larger than the other true flies. 

However, they have a clubbed antenna (like butterflies) which separates them from their kind.

There are more than 80 species of Mydas fly in North America, and you can spot many of them in the western region. 

They can be spotted in parks, gardens, forests, grasslands, etc., but people tend to stay away from them due to their imposing appearance. However, these flies are entirely harmless and cannot bite human skin

Why is it Called Mydas Fly? 

Mydas flies are fascinating creatures with an interesting history behind their name. 

These flies were named after popular Greek mythology related to the Phrygian King Midas, who gained the ability to turn everything that he touched into pure gold. 

However, he did not foresee the consequences of this ability since even the food he wished to touch turned gold, so he starved. 

The golden mark on the abdomen of the Mydas clavatus species boasts this historical connection, which is why the flies are named after the story. 

Mydas Fly

The Story of King Midas & Its Symbolism 

King Midas was the king of good fortune as he ruled Phrygia, a country in Asia minor. 

Even after living in the heart of luxury, Midas was obsessed with gold and believed his true happiness lay in possessing limitless gold. 

One day, Midas found Silenus, the companion of  Dionysus, the Greek God of wine and revelry, sleeping in his rose garden. He invited Silenus to stay in his palace for a while. 

Impressed by his gesture, Dionysus granted him a wish. 

Midas wished that everything that he touched should turn to gold. The wish was granted immediately, and the next day, everything he touched – bathtub, chair, carpet, door, etc.- would turn to gold. 

Midas was elated with his newly granted wish but realized that his plan backfired when he couldn’t smell roses, eat food, or even touch his daughter without turning her into gold. 

Upon realization, he went to Dionysus to reverse his wish. He was told to wash his hands in the river Pactolus. 

Midas ran to the river and dipped his hand in its water. Once the gold flowed out of his hands, everything went back to normal. 

The experience helped Midas become a better human and a generous king. He remained grateful for all he had, apart from a life of luxury. When he died, people mourned for their kind and loving king. 

The story symbolizes that true wealth is living a life full of love and generosity, and everything else automatically becomes worth gold. 

Mydas Fly

Symbolism of Flies

The other aspect of Mydas flies is that they are flies – unique creatures in themselves. 

If you spot flies from time to time, to the point that your mind starts noticing the pattern, it may be for a reason. 

In the same way, if you get visions of flies or see them in your dreams, again and again, it symbolizes the coming of abrupt or quick changes in your life and that you must quickly act on them. 

We have discussed some of the most common interpretations of spotting flies. 

Abrupt changes are on the way. 

Flies change directions abruptly to avoid potential dangers and, thus, act abruptly. It can symbolize that you may need to change the direction of your life if new information or an opportunity arises.

If you are thinking about changing in a certain direction and spotting flies in unusual places, it is a sign from the universe that it is safe to do so.

Move quickly in a new direction.

Flies are quick in changing direction; thus, they symbolize making quick decisions and taking the leap before it’s too late. 

So, people who are slow at making decisions should take a queue from flies and make important life changes to get where they want. 

You are distracted in life.

Whenever a fly comes around, they distract you with its buzzing noise. Thus, concentrating with a fly hovering over your head is difficult. 

In the same way, when you see a fly in your dream, it is a sign or message from the universe that you are distracted in life and should do something about it. 

Once you make life changes to become more focused, you also find inner peace and do away with distractions of the mind. 

Mydas Fly

You are busier than you should be 

Flies work 24/7 who do not rest and work throughout the day to reach their goals. If flies are the true specimen of spirit animals and you spot them often, whether, in unusual places or your dreams, it may be a sign that you are busy.

So, you must take a good look at your life and take the needed rest that you deserve. 

Develop tenacity and focus 

Your fly spirit animal does not let go of an opportunity until they get what they want. For example, when a fly hovers over your head, it doesn’t fly away easily. In the same way, you must persevere and achieve your goals with focus and tenacity. 

Become more adaptable 

The fly power animal is such that it can survive in all types of environments and, thus, is quite adaptable. 

Similarly, you should become more flexible to new environments and adapt quickly to the culture around you, especially if you have been resistant or stubborn over something at the workplace or in the house lately. 

Be aware of the evil 

In the holy Bible, evil is referred to as the ‘Lord of the Flies.’ So many people believe that seeing flies in dreams or visions can be a message to become aware and away from evil in your life. 

So, be wary of the people you meet during this time since these dreams are clear warning signs about someone who doesn’t want to see you go well. 

The Fly as a Spirit Animal: Its Meaning 

Flies are one of the most common insects in the world and can survive the harshest conditions. Not many people know that seeing a fly in one’s dream may be a sign or message from the universe. 

There are several meanings attached to flying as a spirit animal or totem. Most people believe that flies fly into your life to warn you about a lurking danger. Just like it is annoying to have them buzz around you, flies symbolize sickness, malice, hatred, and other things that can harm your life. 

Before you decide never to notice a fly again, you should know that the insect is also a carrier of good fortune, abundance, courage, and prosperity. 

Mydas Fly

They signal you to become more courageous, adaptable, creative, understanding, and open toward life. These creatures motivate people to never give up on what they want, persevere, and achieve their goals. 

If a fly hovers around you more than usual, it may also be a sign for you to make quick decisions, come of an abrupt change, a metamorphosis of some kind, be wary of other people but also not take anything they say to your heart, and more. 

So, the next time you notice a fly buzzing over your head or in your dream, take a good look at your life and make the changes that will help you move forward. 

Positive and Negative Attributes of Flies 

As mentioned above, as a spirit animal, the fly brings both good and bad news. Let’s discuss the positive and negative attributes of flies in detail. 

Positive attributes 

The compound eyes of flies help them see the adversity coming their way and triumph over it. They are fierce fighters and, most importantly, graceful survivors. 

They are also tenacious and do not easily let go of a good opportunity, and we can certainly learn from them. Flies also make the most out of every situation by representing mindfulness; It is the need of the hour in our world. They also symbolize courage, adaptability, fearlessness, and perseverance. 

Negative attributes 

Like yin and yang, flies are the bringer of both good and bad news. Their negative traits include sickness since they sit on rotten and dirty things, signaling the presence of evil energy around them, and being overly persistent to the point that it annoys others. 

Flies bring abrupt changes with them and can influence your mind with rapid thoughts that may bring imbalance in your life. Thus, it is upon you to interpret the signs that the universe sends via these beautiful creatures. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Mydas flies beneficial?

Mydas flies eat up pests and grubs like beetle larvae and, thus, work as a biocontrol agent. There is little evidence of adult Mydas eating grubs, but the soil-dwelling larvae surely feed on the pests. 

Are Mydas flies harmful?

Mydas flies are harmless. Their intimidating appearance often alarms others, but the truth is that these flies don’t even have a stinger and usually mind their own business. 

Do Mydas flies buzz?

Yes, Mydas flies to create a loud buzzing sound when flying in parks, gardens, grasslands, etc. They create the sound by rubbing their wings together and using it as one of their communication methods with the world. 

Do flies have any positive purpose?

Flies are spiritual animals, and thus, they are bringers of a lot of positive messages from the universe. If you see flies in your dreams or visions, you need to gather more courage or make quicker decisions than usual to live a better life. 

Wrap Up 

We hope that now you know when you see a Mydas fly coming your way, you can interpret the messages it’s been sent to give you. If you have more to add to this article, feel free to share the same in the comment section. 

Reader Emails

Mydas flies may mean different things to different people – and watching them in your garden or home can evoke some unique responses.

Over the years, many of our readers have shared with us their experiences with these beautiful flies and how they have been a portent or sign of a deeper spiritual meaning to them.

Read on to learn about some of their experiences.

Letter 1 – Mydas Fly


Subject:  What’s this? Geographic location of the bug:  Browns Mills, New Jersey Date: 07/05/2018 Time: 04:24 PM EDT Your letter to the bugman:  I just would like to know what kind of bug this is, tried to search myself but no exact match. How you want your letter signed:  Thank you, Holly.
Mydas Fly
Dear Holly, This is a Mydas Fly, Mydas clavatus, and it is generally believed that this harmless species mimics stinging wasps for protection.  While this mimicry will work on many predators, it does not work with humans that have a morbid and irrational fear of wasps.  This individual does not appear to have met a natural death.  Here is a BugGuide image for comparison.

Letter 2 – Mydas Fly


Subject:  Hornet? Geographic location of the bug:  Greenville, SC Date: 07/03/2018 Time: 03:21 PM EDT Your letter to the bugman:  It looks like a very large beetle with a bee’s abdomen, about 2″ long. Wings are purple – ish. Any ideas? How you want your letter signed:  Gerri Johnston
Mydas Fly
Dear Gerri, This is not a Hornet.  It is a Fly, and because of the clubbed antennae and the orange band on the abdomen, we are pretty confident it is a Mydas Fly, most likely Mydas clavatus.  According to BugGuide:  “With the black-and-orange pattern, it resembles a wasp and fools the casual observer.”

Letter 3 – Mydas Fly


Subject:  Is this a dirt dauber or a wasp? Geographic location of the bug:  Shreveport, La Date: 07/09/2018 Time: 10:17 PM EDT Your letter to the bugman:  These have been tunneling in our yard and under the foundation of our house. We can’t figure out what it is. How you want your letter signed:  Thanks for the help
Mydas Fly
This is not a Wasp.  It is a Mydas Fly and it is an effective wasp mimic.  We believe we have correctly identified your Mydas Fly as Mydas chrysostomus thanks to this BugGuide image.  Of the family, BugGuide notes:  “Life cycle details not known for many groups; generally, larvae live in decaying wood or soil; some known to prey on beetle larvae” and that should explain why they are tunneling in your yard.  Mydas Flies are harmless, so you have no cause for concern.
Mydas Fly

Letter 4 – Mydas Fly


Subject:  Maybe a flower wasp? Geographic location of the bug:  Rural Northwest Tennessee, USA Date: 07/30/2018 Time: 08:50 PM EDT Your letter to the bugman:  This large wasp is trapped in my screen porch.  I usually relocate insects that get caught back outside, but this one is acutely aware of my approach. I think it is some kind of flower wasp, but I am unsure if it has the ability to sting.  I know that usually female flower wasps are flightless and the males can fly.  I don’t want to mess with it if I’m likely to get stung as it is far to aware of my attempts so far.   Any thoughts? How you want your letter signed:  Jess
Mydas Fly
Dear Jess, This is not a Flower Wasp, or any kind of wasp for that matter, but rather, a harmless Mydas Fly, Mydas clavatus, that benefits from mimicking a stinging wasp.  According to BugGuide:  “Large black fly with red/orange mark on top (dorsum) of 2nd abdominal segment. Body hairless, cylindrical. Eyes large. Antennae are distinctively clubbed in the Mydidae. This species flies rather boldly in the open. With the black-and-orange pattern, it resembles a wasp and fools the casual observer” and “Batesian mimic of certain spider wasps (Pompilidae).”

Letter 5 – Mydas Fly


Please help ID this late-night bug 🙂
Hi folks! We spotted this wasp/moth tonight in our porch light and were wondering if you could help us ID it. We are in East Texas – Humble, to be exact. Thank you for any assistance you can give us!
Michael-Ann Belin & Jade Delorme
Humble, Texas

Hi Michael-Ann Belin & Jade Delorme
We just love getting new critters for our database. This is a Mydas Fly, Family Mydidae. Your species looks like Mydas clavatus. Adults are predatory and resemble wasps or robber flies. Adults eat caterpillars, other flies, bees, and true bugs. Larvae prey upon insects in the soil, especially June Beetle larvae. Though this fly appears sluggish, it is a rapid flier.

Letter 6 – Mydas Fly


Cicada killer wasp or asilid fly
Good Morning
My wife and I took these pictures and others of what I think is a cicada killer wasp but not sure because of solid color. He/She has no spots but has the body of cicada killer wasp. Would be interested if this is a cicada killer wasp. We had a local opinion that this was a "asilid" fly mimicking a cicada killer but I questioned that because of size and no hairy patches. The size is approximately 5 centimeters head to tail and a wing span tip to tip 5.1 centimeters. We live in Bloomington IL, McLean County 61701. I have pasted one shot and attached others. Regards
Tim Lee

Hi Tim,
This is a Mydas Fly, most probably Mydas tibialis based on the coloration. It could be another member of the genus though as the body appears more robust than the images posted on BugGuide. This is the third excellent photo of this species submitted in the last ten days.

Letter 7 – Mydas Fly


This one is still alive!
Dear Bugman,
My husband took this picture after watching it lure a wasp with the thing on it’s head. When the wasp got within range it grabbed it, did something to it and let it fall to the ground. The wasp appeared stunned or dying and was unable to fly. We live in the country in West Central Indiana. We try not to kill anything if we don’t have to. This Insect is sitting on a Rose of Sharon Bush. It is about 2 inches long, black with orange legs and an orange thing sticking out of it’s head. Since I am allergic to wasps I am hoping this is something I want around my house since I have quite a problem with wasps. Is this insect going to be a problem for me though also? Please could you identify this insect for us? Thank You,
Annette & Carl J.
Gosport, IN

Hi Annette and Carl,
This is a Mydas Fly, Mydas tibialis. According to BugGuide: “Some adults, especially males, take nectar. Adults, long thought to be predatory, are perhaps not! Some females do not feed as adults. Larvae are predators of larval beetles, mostly.” Your observation of this specimen attacking a wasp is quite interesting.

The post Mydas Fly Symbolism: 7 Meanings of Seeing a Fly appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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