Wednesday 12 October 2022

Career Advancement Slower for Women in Entomology, Study Finds | Entomology Today

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This post Career Advancement Slower for Women in Entomology, Study Finds appeared first on Entomology Today - Brought to you by the Entomological Society of America.

Women pursuing careers in entomology face persistent challenges in obtaining jobs compared to men, according to a new study analyzing career tracks of recent entomology doctoral graduates. Among entomologists obtaining Ph.D.s between 2001 and 2018, significantly more men than women held industry positions as technical representatives and research scientists as of 2021. Across job categories, women outpaced men only in nonfaculty university positions. Meanwhile, men published significantly more research articles than women during their graduate programs and then went on to attain higher measures of publishing volume and influence.

The post Career Advancement Slower for Women in Entomology, Study Finds appeared first on Entomology Today.

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