Monday 22 August 2022

Recently Eclosed Katydid

Subject:  Green Leaf Wing Insect?
Geographic location of the bug:  Central Illinois
Date: 08/13/2022
Time: 09:34 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  Hello! My mom found this insect in her yard in central Illinois. I can’t seem to find out what it is. Its wings don’t look fully formed. Any idea?
How you want your letter signed:  Aaron

Recently Eclosed Katydid

Hello, Aaron. I apologize, but we had a glitch with submissions the other day. Would you mind responding to this with your photos attached so that the Bugman can assist you?
Daniel (The Webmaster)
No problem! Photos are attached. After submitting it, my grandfather identified it as a katydid. This came across my mind earlier, but it didn’t look like other katydids when I googled them. I think the open wings were throwing me off. Still would like to get the Bugman’s input though. Thanks! 
Dear Aaron,
Thanks for your patience during our period of transition.  Your grandfather is correct that this is a Katydid, but we can try to clarify some of your doubts.  This is a recently metamorphosed Katydid that recently underwent a final molt, and the wings have not yet fully expanded and hardened, hence the unfamiliar appearance.  The lack of an ovipositor indicates this is a male Katydid and we believe based on images posted to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources site that it is a Greater Angle Winged Katydid.


The post Recently Eclosed Katydid appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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