Tuesday 2 August 2022

Banded Longhorn from North Dakota

Subject:  beetle?? on a thistle flower
Geographic location of the bug:  central North Dakota
Date: 07/18/2022
Time: 07:31 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  Dear Bugman:  I am just trying to identify this insect so that I can publish the photo in The Jamestown Sun newspaper.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
How you want your letter signed:  John S. Sun Photo Dude

Banded Longhorn

Dear John S. Sun Photo Dude,
We quickly identified your Banded Longhorn
Typocerus velutinus, thanks to the image on Beetle Identification where it states:  “This species is often found visiting flowers for nectar and are frequently seen in gardens. They also use dying hardwood trees like birch and sumac for laying eggs.”
Ed. Note:  This posting was rescued after being lost during a recent upgrade.

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