Sunday 24 October 2021

Superb Cicada

Subject:  some kind of beatle
Geographic location of the bug:  Austin TXI
Date: 10/13/2021
Time: 12:51 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  I found it 09/01/2021 on my porch obviously dying
How you want your letter signed:  Bob McElhaney

Superb Cicada

Dear Bob,
This is not a Beetle.  It is a gorgeous Cicada.  We identified it as a Superb Cicada or Green Cicada,
Neotibicen superbus, thanks to BugGuide where it states that it:  “occupies several habitat types from forested to arid scrub. It is often associated with conifers; however, strong populations of this cicada can be found in areas where hardwoods are abundant.”

AKA Green Cicada

The post Superb Cicada appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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