Tuesday 26 October 2021

Paper Wasps on Goldenrod

Subject:  Late Season Paper Wasps on Goldenrod
Geographic location of the bug:  Campbell, Ohio
Date: 10/25/2021
Time: 02:22 PM EDT
Gentle Readers,
Daniel has been attempting to post as many of your identification requests as possible, but he has also been enjoying the mild October in Northeast Ohio where there has still not been a major frost.  The insects are still active, and the night sounds still serenade.  These two Paper Wasps in the genus Polistes were nectaring from late flowering Goldenrod.

Paper Wasps on Goldenrod

Paper Wasp on Goldenrod

Paper Wasp on Goldenrod

The post Paper Wasps on Goldenrod appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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