Thursday 2 September 2021

Maple Spindle Galls

Subject:  What is this??
Geographic location of the bug:  Buffalo, NY
Date: 08/30/2021
Time: 06:17 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  What is this? Should I get rid of it? Is it dangerous?
How you want your letter signed:  Thank you, Lisa Wiest

Maple Spindle Galls

Dear Lisa,
We identified these a Maple Spindle Galls on Ohio State University Extension where it states:  “On sugar maple, another leaf gall is commonly found, the maple spindle gall. This gall is caused by the mite,
Vasates aceriscrumena (Riley). The gall appears as thin, elongate bladders arising from the upper leaf surface. These galls rarely distort the leaf, but considerable numbers of galls can make the leaves unsightly.”  Generally it is believed that Galls do not harm the plants upon which they are found.  According to BugGuide:  “Don’t cause serious damage but can be unsightly.”

The post Maple Spindle Galls appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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