Saturday 7 August 2021

Whitehorned Horntail Wasp

Subject:  What is this guy
Geographic location of the bug:  Pacific Northwest
Date: 08/04/2021
Time: 04:48 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  I was saving trees and was hanging out in the brush and I happened to come across this thing. Looks like a wasp but I’m not entirely sure what this thing could be.
How you want your letter signed:  Shovel logger 03

Whitehorned Horntail

Dear Shovel logger 03
This is a Wood Wasp commonly called a Whitehorned Horntail,
Uroceros albicornus.  This female will likely use her long ovipositor to lay her eggs beneath the bark on conifers.  The larvae are wood borers.


The post Whitehorned Horntail Wasp appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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