Saturday 7 August 2021

Dogday Harvestflies in NorthEast Ohio

Subject:  Annual Cicadas
Geographic location of the bug:  Campbell, Ohio
Date: 08/06/2021
Time: 3:30 PM EDT
Gentle Readers,
The summer symphony is in full swing here in Ohio, with singing birds and chirping insects and melodious tree frogs all adding to the rich summer sounds.  The Annual Cicadas have begun buzzing from the tall trees and last Wednesday while walking to the Four Seasons Flea Market and approaching Roosevelt Park, Daniel’s friend Sharon noticed a Cicada Nymph on the sidewalk.  After taking a few images, Daniel placed it on a nearby tree trunk so it could metamorphose without being stepped upon.

Cicada Nymph

Then Friday after returning from Rogers Flea Market, Daniel decided to sleep on the grass.  He heard a buzzing near his head and found this recently emerged Annual Cicada, commonly called a Dogday Harvestfly, in the grass with its wings not yet hardened. 

Dogday Harvestfly

While the Cicada was crawling on his hand, Daniel was able to feel the Cicada’s piercing mouthparts pressing against his skin and he recalled a letter sent by a reader long ago that included information about getting bitten by a Cicada.  That account described the bite as a stab, and not wanting to experience a similar encounter Daniel released the Cicada to a nearby pine so it could continue to harden and eventually fly away.  The Cicada quickly climbed out of reach. 


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