Thursday 1 July 2021

Muskmare and her mate

Subject:  Stick Bug?
Geographic location of the bug:  Gulf Coast Texas
Date: 06/28/2021
Time: 03:04 AM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  Found this huge (fat) stick Bug looking insect on my front door late at night. It had a baby on it’s back as well. First time seeing this type of bug here.
How you want your letter signed:  Thanks for any info.

Mating Muskmares

That ain’t no baby on her back.  The larger insect is a Female Two-Striped Walkingstick in the genus Anisomorpha and the smaller insect is her diminutive mate.  Two-Striped Walkingsticks are often observed mating, which has led to the common name Muskmare. According to BugGuide:  “Members of this genus can deliver a chemical spray to the eyes that can cause corneal damage” so you should exercise caution when closely observing them.

The post Muskmare and her mate appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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