Saturday 31 July 2021

Immature Angle Winged Katydid

Subject:  Maybe it’s a katydid?
Geographic location of the bug:  Buffalo NY
Date: 07/28/2021
Time: 09:52 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  Saw this sneaky man on a deciduous tree at an evergreen nursery this July and I think it’s a katydid but I can’t see wings!
How you want your letter signed:  Green bug man

Immature Angle Winged Katydid

Dear Green bug man,
This is indeed an immature Katydid and only adults have wings developed enough to fly.  We believe, based on this BugGuide image, that your Katydid is an Angle Winged Katydid in the genus

The post Immature Angle Winged Katydid appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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