Thursday, 22 July 2021

Golden Orbweaver

Subject:  Spider or cricket?
Geographic location of the bug:  Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Date: 07/22/2021
Time: 11:46 AM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  Hi there,
My sister found this bug in her dining room. It was over an inch long as far as she can remember. Can you help us identify what the heck it was?
How you want your letter signed:  Sara

Golden Orbweaver

Dear Sara,
This is a Spider in the family commonly called the Orbweavers, and in Daniel’s opinion, this species,
Argiope aurantia, which is commonly called the Golden Orbweaver, is the most iconic species in the family found in North America.  They are sometimes called Writing Spiders because of the pattern known as stabilimentum they weave into their webs.

The post Golden Orbweaver appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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