Friday 18 June 2021

Spotted Apatelodes

Subject:  Bug to identify
Geographic location of the bug:  Gettysburg, PA
Date: 06/17/2021
Time: 08:42 AM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  Hi, Danny!!  Gordy found this bug on his window screen.  It looks prehistoric!  I hope you can tell us what it is!  Not a very good pic I know ;(
How you want your letter signed:  Kerry Morgan

Spotted Apatelodes

Kerry Joyce Morgan, how nice to hear from you.
This sure looks like a Spotted Apatelodes,
Apatelodes torrefacta, a moth found in much of the eastern United States.  According to BugGuide it is:  “An odd-looking species, easily mistaken for a sphinx moth.”  I just booked a ticket and I will be in Campbell from late July until late August.  Stop by for a visit.  Say hi to your brother.

The post Spotted Apatelodes appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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