Tuesday 22 June 2021

Red Eyed Devil

Subject:  grasshopper-esque?
Geographic location of the bug:  texas hill country
Date: 06/22/2021
Time: 12:38 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  a beautiful and alien looking friend, it has taken up residence under the gas grill cover. seems like a grasshopper but wings are so short and odd? thank you for your help!
How you want your letter signed:  curious

Red Eyed Devil

Dear Curious,
We are thrilled to post your image of a predatory Katydid commonly called a Red Eyed Devil,
Neobarrettia spinosa.  According to BugGuide it is:  “Voraciously omnivorous!”  Though the Red Eyed Devil is not dangerous to humans, they do have powerful mandibles and they might deliver a painful bite if carelessly handled.

thank you very much for your help! how interesting!! voraciously omnivorous indeed! J

The post Red Eyed Devil appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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