Friday 25 June 2021

Jewel Beetle is Red Legged Buprestis

Subject:  What is this bug
Geographic location of the bug:  Fort Washington, Maryland
Date: 06/24/2021
Time: 04:39 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  Hello, I found this bug in my living room and it’s vibrant green and yellow caught me attention. It has a green body as well with yellow spots and brown towards the tail
How you want your letter signed:  V

Red Legged Buprestis

Dear V,
This beauty is a Jewel Beetle in the family Buprestidae.  It is a Red Legged Buprestis and your ventral view nicely shows the reddish legs.

Red Legged Buprestis

The post Jewel Beetle is Red Legged Buprestis appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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