Sunday 27 June 2021

Eyed Elater

Subject:  Please ID Insect
Geographic location of the bug:  Powell, Ohio
Date: 06/12/2021
Time: 09:21 AM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  I found this on my hat On June 1. I’m on 3 acres of mixed woods – maple, black and honey locust, black walnut, lots of dead ash, some sassafras. Can you identify this for me? Thanks!
How you want your letter signed:  I have no idea what you mean by that. My name is Molly.

Eyed Elater

Dear Molly,
This magnificent Click Beetle is called an Eyed Elater.  What appear to be big, black eyes are actually markings on the thorax called eyespots and they are thought to fool predators into thinking the Eyed Elater is a large predator.

The post Eyed Elater appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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