Sunday 4 April 2021

Pair of Golden Silk Spiders from Tanzania

Subject:  Unknown Spider from East Africa
Geographic location of the bug:  Manyara, Tanzania
Date: 04/03/2021
Time: 02:28 AM EDT
Your letter to the bugman :  Hello, looking to try and identify this spider. It is approximately 4″. You cannot access around the spider to take a picture of it’s topside.
Thank you,
How you want your letter signed:  Joshua Johnston

Female (larger and on left) and male Golden Silk Spiders

Dear Joshua,
Look closely at the silk of the web and you will understand why the common name of spiders in the genus
Nephila is Golden Silk Spider.  The female on the left is about 50 times the size of her diminutive mate on the right.

The post Pair of Golden Silk Spiders from Tanzania appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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