Thursday 25 June 2020

Small Magpie Moth

Subject:  Moth ?
Geographic location of the bug:  Fremont , Michigan
Date: 06/19/2020
Time: 04:07 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  I found this beauty on our siding. Wondering what it is.
How you want your letter signed:  Pam

Small Magpie

Dear Pam,
Your pretty little Crambid Moth,
Anania hortulata, is commonly called a Small Magpie, Anania hortulata (formerly Eurrhypara hortulata), and we confirmed its identity on BugGuide. According to BugGuide it is an introduced Eurasian species and: “Larvae feed mainly on nettle (Urtica spp.), but mint (Mentha spp.) and bindweed (Convolvulus spp.) are also used.”

The post Small Magpie Moth appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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